
April update: celebrate National Poetry Month with 54 new poems

I sing of brooks, of blossoms, birds, and bowers,
Of April, May, of June, and July flowers.
—Robert Herrick, "The Argument of His Book"

Each year, spring opens its blooms just as Americans open their books—and hearts—to celebrate National Poetry Month. Coincidence? We think not.

Wherever you are in the world, join us in celebrating this month's festivities. Discover 54 poems from 28 brilliant poets, past and contemporary, that traverse buses and blossoms, birds and trees, time travel, sci-fi, protest, and, naturally, the coming of spring.

Photo by Matthew Thompson.

Camille Rankine performs her poem "It Would Sound Like a Dream" for our Read By series.

Plus, browse through poetry by great poets of the past from the US, England, Scotland, and France, including 10 new to our site:

We've also added poems by 6 more historic poets previously represented on our site: Anna Lætitia Barbauld ("Ode to Spring," "The Rights of Women"), Countee Cullen ("Heritage," "Yet Do I Marvel"), Thomas Hardy ("The Convergence of the Twain"), Edward Nathaniel Harleston ("The Approach of Spring"), Georgia Douglas Johnson ("The Dreams of the Dreamer"), and Alexander Posey ("Tulledega").

We hope you'll enjoy our spring offering of poetry, through National Poetry Month and beyond!