Angle of Repose II

By Peter Halstead

The night lies dormant on the snow.
Branches drift and doze.
Crystals glisten in the glow
Where constellations froze.

Low wind eddies in the sweep.
White hills slump and slough.
Sheeted mushrooms slowly creep,
Stopping at the bluff.

The moon toboggans on the stoop
And pillows on the stream.
Ice-packed needles glaze and droop;
Night clouds steam.

The angle of the headboard grows.
The hollow bed is fast asleep.
Sinners of the world, repose,
As the springs of winter weep.

As the angles of the world repose,
The frosted field is mounded deep
With silver that the blizzard chose
And leanings that all sleepers keep.

March 7th, 1993

March 29th, 2024