Poems Explore our poems Our growing archive extends from past to present, gathering celebrated poets of history alongside great contemporary writers Showing 41-80 of 218 poems All Text Films Grid List The orange Watch poem → By Wendy Cope The poplar field Watch poem → By William Cowper Lo que cuenta / what counts Watch poem → By Óscar Cruz Emergency warning Watch poem → By Yrsa Daley-Ward The listeners Watch poem → By Walter de la Mare “hope” is the thing with feathers Watch poem → By Emily Dickinson A hymn to god the father Watch poem → By John Donne The dissolution Watch poem → By John Donne Tullynoe: tête-à-tête in the parish priest's parlour Watch poem → By Paul Durcan The racist bone Watch poem → By Cornelius Eady From the waste land Watch poem → By T. S. Eliot Our hands like rain Watch poem → By Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi Women and other flowers Watch poem → By Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi I want to be like frank o'hara Watch poem → By Martina Evans Why you cannot touch my hair Watch poem → By Eve L. Ewing What heaney said Watch poem → By FeliSpeaks Poem to be read at the end of a year Watch poem → By Bernard Ferguson On platforms and in plate-glass waiting rooms Watch poem → By Leontia Flynn A christening Watch poem → By Tom French Doña teresa and the chicken Watch poem → By Denice Frohman Puertopia Watch poem → By Denice Frohman Beargrass Watch poem → By CMarie Fuhrman Ecce homo Watch poem → By David Gascoyne Sorrow is not my name Watch poem → By Ross Gay Valediction Watch poem → By Gabriel Gbadamosi Aliens Watch poem → By Paul Genega The forgotten dialect of the heart Watch poem → By Jack Gilbert From the black maria Watch poem → By Aracelis Girmay First memory Watch poem → By Louise Glück The constructed space Watch poem → By W. S. Graham We manage most when we manage small Watch poem → By Linda Gregg The heart of the wood Watch poem → By Augusta, Lady Gregory Stansted to knock, december 21st Watch poem → By Vona Groarke I once was the smallest flame in the fire Watch poem → By Gu Cheng A second opinion Watch poem → By Peter Halstead Common sense Watch poem → By Peter Halstead Glassmaker Watch poem → By Peter Halstead On the merits of literature Watch poem → By Peter Halstead Piano maker Watch poem → By Peter Halstead Rainbow Watch poem → By Peter Halstead 1 2 3 4 5 6 ← Previous page Next page →