When you hold
a slice
of fresh cut
red melon
to my lips
I drink
as much
as I eat
And though we give
the same name
to every incarnation
of this vine
the taste from this
one is specific
(for it must carry
the savory
hint of metal
the particular salt
of your forefinger
and thumb)
to which I say
Give me
the whole thing
the history of it
If there is a war
in this gift
I'll eat that too
Like most fruit
it holds its own
which once was
rain or glacier
or dew extracted
and gathered
over time
after a massacre
of elk
or the slow
extinction of fish
Let me
kiss it all back
into your tongue
to say
I'm real
in a world
full of figments
I didn't know grief
could cool
a fever body
but here
you and I are
in each other's mouths
the temperature
of the sea
Directed by Williams Cole.
"Gift" by Patrick Rosal, published in The Last Thing (Persea Books, Inc., 2021).