Kissing Distance

By Anthony Vahni Capildeo

The rain it raineth every day
also stylle as dew in Aprille
the quality of mercy
The rain it raineth every day
They will welcome him forcefully
O temps suspends ton vol
The rain it raineth every day
also stylle as dew in Aprille

The rain it raineth every day
Your company my starvation
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
The rain it raineth every day
Dew in Aprille fallyt on the spray
and I in my bed again
The rain it raineth every day
Your company my starvation

The rain it raineth every day
Gloria in excelsis
Earth sweetens sailors for the sea
The rain it raineth every day
Praise death no-one can run away
to die upon a kiss
The rain it raineth every day
Gloria in excelsis


Directed by Matthew Thompson.

From Gentle Housework of the Sacrifice (Guillemot Press, 2022). Reproduced with permission of the poet.