Diaspora: An Evening of Live Poetry & Film at the Irish Cultural Centre

On Friday, December 6th, at 8pm, visit the Irish Cultural Centre in Hammersmith, London, for a special evening of film screenings and live poetry performances!
Talented Irish poets Gabriel Gbadamosi, Siobhan Campbell, and Peter Doolan and renowned British actress Rhianne Barreto will appear for live readings of poetry, introduced by Matthew Thompson and Tommy Creagh.
And nine films we created in collaboration with ICC, directed by Thompson and produced by Creagh and ICC cultural director Rosalind Scanlon, will also be screened:
- Actress Bríd Brennan's readings of Seamus Heaney’s poem "Mossbawn Sunlight" and Sinéad Morrissey’s "Genetics"
- Actress Rhianne Barreto's readings of Niall McDevitt’s poem "The Tower of Babylon" and Wendy Cope’s poem "The Orange"
- Poet Gabriel Gbadamosi's readings of his own poem "Valediction" and William Blake's "London"
- Poet Siobhan Campbell's reading of her own poem "When All This Is Over" and Eamonn Wall's "The Last Cricket of the Season"
- Poet Peter Doolan's reading of Niall McDevitt’s poem "A Quartet for Lysaght"
Stop by the ICC's website to learn more and reserve your tickets.